FRAN 270 Special Topics in French: (Subtitle)
For students with years of previous study in French as demonstrated by a placement protocol or with a passing grade in FRAN 202, FRAN 270 offers a bridge between skill-based courses and content-based courses approach to investigate a special topic in French language and/or culture. While not limited to this list, topics may include phonetics, French for heritage speakers, French for a specialized field (science, business, etc.), Translation Studies in French, Francophone cultural practices, French approaches to literary study, literary theory, or selection of the literature of an author, movement, geographical region, or time period in the French or Francophone tradition. While using the course’s topic as a content for academic inquiry, its objectives are primarily to develop the four skills of communication in French (reading, writing, speaking, and listening), with a focus on real-time interpersonal and presentational oral production of cohesive paragraphs featuring narration and description in all tenses and on a variety of increasingly abstract and academic contexts, as well as on interpretive communication and argumentation through expository process writing. This course roughly targets the ACTFL Advanced-Mid rating. Teaching methodologies may include task-based, project-based, and other experiential learning assignments. Taught in French.
FRAN 202, placement, or special instructor permission.
This course may be repeated for credit.