PECO 360 Comparative Political Economy
This course intends to study capitalism in its multiplicity and variability. It examines capitalism's tolerance for diversity and variability. The course allows students to compare the political economy of capitalism across various cultural, economic, and political systems. This course is divided into four parts. In part I, students are introduced to and review key political economy concepts and inquiry. In part II, students will learn about different methodologies of comparative analysis. In part III, students use case studies of political economy systems of selected countries or regions to become familiar with their type or mode of capitalism. These cases range from liberal, established capitalism of North America, welfare-state capitalism in Europe, guided capitalism of Japan, transitional capitalism of China and Russia, emerging capitalisms of Asia and Latin America, and traditional, mixed capitalism of the Middle-East and Africa. In part IV, students will exercise with and conduct comparative analysis of at least three different political economies. This exercise will culminate in designing a post-capitalist political economy.
PECO 105 or instructor's permission