PERF 330 Writing and Performing the Self II

This course continues and deepens the explorations of PERF 230 Writing & Performing the Self. Drawing on performance art, theater and multi-media solo performance traditions, students will see live performance, watch videos, read articles, write performance reflections, essays and reviews. The main work this term will be to develop an autobiographical performance that incorporates both action and text. PERF 330 assignments will be more ambitious than those in PERF 230 and may allow for special mentoring of PERF 230 students. Students will be expected to spend significant time outside of class watching and developing performance work. Final performances will be presented to the community at the end of the term. PERF 330 students will be expected to take on greater aspects of final production planning and are expected to demonstrate growth in performance practice from the 200- to 300-level.




PERF 230 or instructor's permission

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May be offered concurrently with PERF 230