Liberal Arts Learning Outcomes (LALOs)
Knowledge and Inquiry
- Demonstrated understanding of and practical experience with concepts and modes of inquiry essential to the liberal arts and the disciplines that explore the natural, social, and cultural realms.
- Achieve depth in one or more areas of concentration.
Skill and Innovation
- Demonstrated ability to problem-solve, create, and innovate, both independently and collaboratively, in a range of fields, workplaces, technology, and media.
- Demonstrated ability to use analytic, communication, quantitative, and information skills effectively.
Critical Thinking
- Demonstrated ability to evaluate knowledge and evidence in a comprehensive and rational manner and to analyze, construct, and criticize arguments.
- Demonstrated ability to utilize different means of analysis and presentation of ideas including: reading, writing, oral presentation, visual interpretation and analysis, qualitative and quantitative analysis, and experiment.
Intercultural Effectiveness
- Demonstrated knowledge of cultures and cultural practices (one’s own and others’); complex cognitive and communication skills for decision-making across cultural contexts; social skills to function effectively and respectfully in diverse groups; and personal attributes that include flexibility and openness to new ideas.
Social Engagement
- Demonstrated ability to engage as an active𠊌itizen in ethical and civil dialogue within a participatory, multicultural society concerned with the care of the planet’s environment and all that resides within it.
Deliberative Action
- Demonstrated capacity to adapt knowledge, skills, and responsibilities to new settings and challenges and to reflect on the personal and social significance of learning as a guide toward a purposeful future.
Written, Oral, and Quantitative Communication
- Written communication ability that demonstrates development and effective expression of ideas and arguments in writing. It involves learning how to work in a variety of genres and styles. Written communication skills and abilities develop through iterative experiences across the curriculum.
- Oral communication ability that demonstrates prepared and purposeful presentations designed to enhance knowledge, foster understanding, or promote changes in the listeners’ attitudes, values, beliefs, or behaviors.
- Quantitative communication ability that demonstrates effective understanding and use of numerical and graphical information.