Part 3: Language and Culture
The Language requirement is proficiency-based; students take as many or as few credits as needed to obtain the requisite oral proficiency. On average, a student with no background in a foreign language can expect to need 12 credits of instruction.
Students must achieve an appropriate proficiency level (or higher) on the Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) administered by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL). All students are encouraged to continue their language study and to achieve a higher proficiency rating.
The Language Requirement: Appropriate Proficiency Level
Appropriate proficiency level (or higher), ACTFL OPI:
- French: Novice-High
- Spanish: Novice-High
- Others (not via Antioch): Novice-High
While the Language Requirement is based on achieving an appropriate level on the OPI, and not coursework, students will most likely need to complete some language classes to prepare for the OPI. Incoming students are put through a placement protocol that determines the appropriate starting course, and students who are placed into the introductory courses typically require 12 credit hours (3 courses, ideally within their first 4 terms) to achieve Novice-High proficiency. Antioch will accept ACTFL OPI certificates dated less than two years from the time of matriculation at Antioch College in lieu of the placement protocols.
Language Courses Needed by Students With Little to No Prior Language Study
Language Requirement
LANG 101, 102, 201 (12 credits)
“LANG” = Prefixes FRAN or SPAN
French and Spanish: LANG 101, 102, 201, 202, any two non-capstone 300-level courses, and LANG 340
Typical Course Sequence for Minimum Requirement
Fall Term
ND Block
Winter Term
Spring Term
JA Block
1st Year
Lang 101
(4 Credits)
Lang 102
(4 Credits)
First Co-op
2nd Year
Lang 201
(4 Credits)
Fallback / Exemption Options
In rare occasions, students with certain learning disabilities documented by the Student Success Coordinator may be exempted from the language requirement. Also, if a student is unable to obtain the minimum proficiency level in a second OPI, a passing grade LANG 201 will satisfy the language requirement.
Language Learning Off Campus
Students with significant skills in a language Antioch College does not offer may qualify to take courses through SOCHE (see “Cross Registration” in this catalog) and/or GLCA affiliation programs. Students seeking to study languages other than French or Spanish must work closely with their language advisor to arrange for this pathway.
Language Credit by Examination (Back Crediting)
A student who places into a language course above the 101-level may be eligible to receive “credit by examination” for up to 16 credits of language courses below the level into which they placed. After successful completion of the course into which they placed with a grade of B or higher, the student may submit a Language Credit Request to the Registrar. Credits for these courses will be indicated with a Y indicator (credit by examination) on the student’s transcript. Antioch can only award credits for languages we teach here at Antioch, and credits earned in this fashion factor into the transfer credit limit.
Back Crediting Options
Place Into and earn a B in
Earn # of “Credits by Examination”
Course(s) Back-Credited
Lang 102
4 Credits
LANG 101
Lang 201
8 Credits
LANG 101, 102
Lang 202
12 Credits
LANG 101, 102, 201
Lang 300+
16 Credits
LANG 101, 102, 201, 202