EXPR 251 Antioch Community Action
This course is designed as integral to the new curriculum focus in Community Action that combines experiential, project-based learning with further understanding and training in the skills needed for effective community engagement. The class takes an individualized project-based learning approach as each student identifies an organizational partner to collaborate with a current initiative in student-run Independent Groups, campus-based Committees or non-profit organizations in Yellow Springs. With the course instructor, each student writes a learning contract outlining their goals and project-based work for the quarter that aligns with an emergent activity or action-based campus/local initiative. Students may work to identify a partner during the early part of the term, however should be prepared to be actively engaged in direct contributions to the Antioch community during the timeline of the quarter. Regular weekly engagement in their project is expected in addition to attending class discussions. Class meetings aim to create a learning environment where students can reflect upon and overcome challenges, and develop an inclusive network of support for the work in which they are engaged. Additionally, classes seek to further students' understanding and direct implementation of principles of community action, guiding them towards more purposeful, meaningful and effective collaborations in the future.