MEDA 299 Independent Study in Media Arts
This course allows individual students, in consultation with and under the supervision of a faculty member in related fields, to develop and design a course of study on a topic of mutual interest. The student takes the responsibility for designing and proposing a course syllabus (following a template for independent studies) that would clearly outline the learning objectives, course activities, assignments and bases of evaluation for the course. The syllabus should specify the prerequisites for the course including academic standing, and the student should demonstrate sufficient background in media arts to justify the required independent work. The faculty member is ultimately responsible for approving, supervising, evaluating, and grading the course. Credits for Independent Study are determined by the following principle: students will have 3 hours of supervised independent study per week per quarter credit, or a total of 30 hours of supervised lab/field work per quarter credit distributed less evenly over the quarter than 3 hours per week.
Instructor's permission
This course is repeatable for credit