Academic Standing
Antioch College’s Academic Policy and Review Committee (APRC) measures the Academic Standing of each student on a term-by-term basis in order to ensure adequate performance and to provide students with the support that they need to academically succeed. The APRC conducts its reviews at the end of each Fall, Winter, and Spring term. After reviewing students’ term and cumulative GPAs, the APRC will place students into the following Academic Standing categories:
Good Academic Standing
Students with a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or above are in Good Academic Standing. Students must be in Good Academic Standing in order to graduate. Students in Good Academic Standing are eligible for the Horace Mann Student Excellence Awards in Scholarly and Artistic Inquiry, Meaningful Work, and Community Citizenship.
Academic Alert
Students are given Academic Alerts when their term GPA falls below 2.0, but their cumulative GPA remains at 2.0 or above. Academic Alerts are not sanctions (students remain in Good Academic Standing), but activate Student Success Services to provide support to improve academic performance. Students receive Academic Alerts until they achieve a term GPA over 2.0.
Academic Probation
Students are placed on Academic Probation when their cumulative GPA falls below 2.0. Students placed on Academic Probation are required to develop a Success Plan with the Assistant Director of Student Success and Academic Resources at the start of their first probationary term. Standard Academic Probations are two terms in length, and end when the cumulative GPA is raised to 2.0 or above. If students do not raise their cumulative GPA to at least 2.0 by the end of the second probationary term, they will move into Low Academic Standing.
Low Academic Standing
Students in Low Academic Standing must meet the following quarterly performance standards or face suspension from Antioch College.
Full participation in the Student Success Plan
Take and earn 12 credits in the term
Pass all courses in the term (earning a grade of C or above)
Earn a term GPA of at least 2.0
Students will remain in Low Academic Standing until they raise their cumulative GPA to 2.0 or above.
Academic Suspension or Dismissal
Students placed on Academic Suspension will be suspended from Antioch College for one quarter. During the time of suspension, students should address any issues that may be hindering their academic performance. Students must complete and submit an Application for Enrollment Reinstatement in order to return to Antioch in the term after their suspension. Students returning from Academic Suspension will be in Low Academic Standing and must meet the performance standards outlined above to avoid Academic Dismissal. Students have the option to appeal an Academic Suspension.
Academic Standing Flowchart
Students and advisors can use the Academic Standing Flowchart to visualize their status in the Academic Standing process.
Notification of Academic Standing
Students are notified of their Academic Standing (Academic Alerts, Academic Probation, Low Academic Standing, Suspension, Dismissal, or returning to Good Academic Standing) via email by the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, who serves as chair of the APRC.
Academic Standing and Satisfactory Academic Progress
Students on Academic Probation or in Low Academic Standing who are not completing at least 66.67% of their attempted credits may be in danger of losing their eligibility for Title IV federal financial aid. See: Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy.