Course Substitution Policy
A student is expected to complete all College degree requirements that were in effect at the time of matriculation. The coursework for each program has been chosen to provide the student with a carefully considered set of skills and the appropriate knowledge for their self-designed major and intended professional pathways.
Occasionally, a student may have already acquired the knowledge and skills required for a particular course and would not benefit from repeating its content. In such cases, it may be deemed appropriate for the student to be waived from having to take the course, making room for a relevant course substitution.
Students wishing to petition for a course substitution must first declare a major and submit an updated degree plan and statement of inquiry. Students should then discuss the subject with their academic advisor. The student should be prepared with sufficient documentation and/or justification to warrant a course substitution.
- A required course is no longer offered due to a change of curriculum
- A course taken at another school is not an exact match for a requirement but is deemed by the student’s advisor to be acceptable. (An official transcript and course syllabus are required.)
- A required course is not offered when the student could reasonably schedule it, provided the student has not forgone the opportunity to take the course at an earlier time
If the advisor agrees that it is reasonable to consider a course substitution, the student should complete in conjunction with their advisor a Petition for a Course Substitution, have the advisor sign the petition, and then submit the form to the Registrar’s Office for processing.
- Failure to enroll in a required course is not sufficient reason to request a course substitution.
- Course substitutions will only be considered for students who have declared a major and have an approved degree plan and statement of inquiry in place.
- In order to use a transfer course as a substitution, the course must meet the established guidelines for transfer credit and must match the content and outcomes of the required course.
- Substitution of a course for a previously failed course is not permitted.
The Registrar’s Office will not make a determination as to the petition. The student’s advisor in consultation with the division in which the course is offered will make the determination. However, to ensure the accuracy of your degree audit, your degree plan, and your statement of inquiry, you must submit the petition to the Registrar’s Office. Since your degree audit and your degree plan are used to track you program requirements, it’s very important that they accurately reflect any changes made in requirements. Completed petitions, with the advisor’s signature, will be forwarded by the Registrar’s Office to the appropriate division for consideration. Once the division has made a decision, the Registrar’s Office will notify the student of the decision.