Auditing a Class
A non-degree-seeking student who wishes to audit one or more courses may register for them without credit and without a grade. Audit Request Forms are available in the Registrar’s Office. Refer to the college website for additional fees in relation to auditing a course.
Any degree-seeking student may audit a course with permission of the instructor provided there is an open seat on the first day of classes. When determining an overload (more than 18 credit hours per term), the Registrar’s Office includes the audit credits as part of the overall credit load. If an overload should result, a petition to overload must be submitted with the student’s registration form in order for the course to be included in the overall enrollment for the term. Students are subject to over-credit fees for any credits over 18 (see Over-Crediting on p. 160)
No student may change a credit registration to audit or change an audit to credit registration once the term of intended enrollment has started.
Because courses that students audit earn no credits, audited courses do not count toward full-time enrollment status. For example, a student who is registered for 4 audit credits and 8 regular (non-audit) credits is considered a part-time student, in spite of being registered for 12 credits total. Additionally, audited courses are not eligible to receive Federal Title IV Student Financial Aid.
Fees Associated with Auditing Classes
- Audit Fee (non-degree) – This fee is assessed to non-degree-seeking students only. The fee is not assessed for Student Life courses (CLXX courses and some designated PERF courses require a fee for participation – Contact the registrar for specific courses that generate the fee for each term). The fee is non-refundable.
- Participation Fee – A fee associated with community members who wish to take credit and non-credit bearing co-curricular/ Student Life courses. The fee is non-refundable*.
- Special Course Activity Fee – Fees associated with courses that have events or activities incorporated into the learning goals/ outcomes that require students to attend. This activity can be on or off campus. The fee will be placed on the students’ account upon registering for the course. Fees must be paid by the Friday of week 2 of the term. The fee is only refundable if the course is dropped during the schedule adjustment period each term. Anytime after this period, the fee is non-refundable*.
*If a course is canceled due to minimum enrollment not having been met, the fee will be credited to student accounts or, in the case of community members, refunded.