Retaking a Course
All grades submitted by faculty are recorded on students’ official transcripts. However, any course for which a student did not earn a passing grade may be retaken. This includes any course for which a C − or less was earned.
Both grades earned for the course will be recorded on the transcript. There will be an indication of R (repeat) to the right of both grades. The first grade will not be figured into the student’s grade point average. The grade earned for the repeat of the course will be figured into the student’s grade point average. Both attempts at the course will be counted toward the total of cumulative attempted hours. Only the second attempt will count as earned credits.
If a student receives a failing grade for a course at Antioch College, they may still take a similar course at another college and transfer the course to Antioch. However, because grades to not transfer, the student may not replace the failing grade at Antioch College with the non-transferrable grade from another institution; the failing grade with still count toward the student’s GPA.
Some courses for which the title and number remain the same but the content changes are not considered repeated when taken more than once. Examples of this include individual music instruction courses or a yoga course. Other times, a repeatable course will have the same title and number but include a different subtitle. In these cases, the title will be followed by a colon, and the course content for that particular term will appear as a subtitle after the colon (e.g. HIST 330 The History of a City: Paris). Be aware that not all course names with colons and subtitles are repeatable. To be sure, consult the course description.