Transfer Credit Evaluation Process

The process for the internal evaluation of transfer credit is:

  1. The Office of Admission must receive official transcripts from credit-granting institution.
  2. In some instances, the College may request course descriptions and/or course syllabi to complete a transfer credit evaluation.
  3. The Office of Admission conducts a preliminary evaluation of transfer credit if unofficial transcripts are received with the Application for Admission.
  4. The Office of Admission forwards official documents to the Registrar’s Office for formal determination of transfer credit.
  5. The Registrar’s Office inspects the student’s documents and determines which courses would be appropriate for transfer consideration.
  6. To transfer as specific course(s) in the catalog, the course(s) must be appropriately matched (i.e. does “General Psychology” at another institution match our “General Psychology” closely enough to be considered equivalent).
  7. Courses that do not match closely will be transferred as transfer container courses, and will most likely be electives.
  8. The Registrar will consult individual faculty members in appropriate areas if there are questions regarding the equivalency of specific courses.
  9. The Registrar’s office sends a copy of the Transfer Credit Evaluation to the student and the student’s academic advisor. A copy of the evaluation is placed in the student’s academic file.
  10. The Registrar’s Office forwards to the Cooperative Education Department any documents supporting transfer credit for previous work experience. If transfer credit for the previous work experience is deemed appropriate, the Registrar will contact the student with instructions about how to earn that credit (see Transfer Placement for Relevant Work Experience above).

After consulting their advisor, students may choose to amend their request as to which courses will be considered for transfer. Examples include:

  • A student who enters with an interest in a psychology degree may instead major in literature, at which time the initial evaluation may need to be modified to reflect this change. The student must request a transfer credit re-evaluation, which can be done through the Registrar’s Office. Once re-evaluation is completed, the student’s transfer credit will be updated in the academic information system.
  • A student may provide additional or updated transcripts if additional credit was earned from another institution of higher education prior to the student’s initial term of enrollment, or if a newer transcript shows courses completed as opposed to in progress.

A student may choose to withdraw their request for courses to be transferred, or may choose only to transfer in select courses.