Narrative Evaluations
Faculty members evaluate student learning based on a set of standards and learning objectives. Assessment is a continuous process requiring the active participation of the student and the instructor. Evaluation is an integral part of both learning and teaching and an essential ingredient of the Antioch College experience. In addition to submitting grades, faculty members generally provide narrative evaluations detailing appraisals of each student’s performance in a course; consult your faculty advisor or instructor for exceptions. Faculty members are asked to hold the narrative evaluations for incompletes until they have been resolved.
The narrative evaluation typically includes:
- A description of the course objectives and related learning
outcomes (i.e. the basis on which credit is granted or
withheld); and
- An appraisal of how the student achieved or failed these
objectives; the extent to which the requirements were fulfilled; and
- The instructor’s assessment of the quality of the work, and
his or her judgment of how well the student has understood the material.
Narrative evaluations are a part of the student’s permanent academic record on file in the registrar’s office. When transcripts are requested, the student may elect to have some or all of these narrative evaluations available to accompany the official transcript.
Narrative evaluations are not required in the following instances:
- Audits: A student that is auditing a course; or
- Failing Grade: A student that receives a failing grade in the course (F grade); or
- Withdraw: A student that withdraws from or is withdrawn from the course (W or WD indicator); or
- Overall Student Enrollment of 26 or More: A student enrolled
in a class that has an overall enrollment of 26 or more students at the time the schedule adjustment period ends (at 5:00 pm Friday of week 1).
In order to make changes to an already submitted narrative evaluation, the instructor is required to submit the new version of the narrative evaluation to the Registrar’s Office. Narrative evaluations for incompletes must be submitted at the time the course grade is changed.