Other Grade Indicators in Use
The following are not used to compute the grade point average:
AU—Indicates the attendance of students who wish to audit a class for personal interest with no intent to seek academic credit or a degree. An Audit Request Form is available in the registrar’s office. College employees may obtain an Audit Request Form from Human Resources. Deadline: The request form must be submitted by the last date to register for intended term of enrollment.
P/NP— For a course designated by the College as “Pass/No Pass,” the grades of “P” or “NP” must be assigned. Based upon designated courses and based upon certain language proficiency expectations and assessments, all passing work (A to C) is given the uniform grade of P and will receive attempted and earned credit. Work below C- is considered not passing, and is given a grade of NP and does not receive attempted or earned credit. The grades of P and NP are not calculated in the GPA.
M—Temporary indicator assigned to a student whose work is somehow implicated in a breach of academic integrity. Deadline: Based on the issue of integrity, once the academic honesty policy has been fully implemented, the faculty member can submit the final grade through a Grade Change Form submission to the registrar. If a final grade is not submitted by the deadline of final grade submissions at the end of the next study term, the M indicator will automatically convert to an F grade.
NG—The “no grade” indicator is a temporary indicator reserved for those occasions when teachers find they are missing an assignment from a student, which they believe the student completed and submitted on time and before the end of the term. The NG indicator serves as a placeholder on the student’s transcript until the teacher is prepared to submit the final grade. This indicator is also used when faculty fail to submit a grade that the student earned in the course. It is the responsibility of the student to contact the instructor so that a Grade Change Form can be submitted to the registrar’s office. Deadline: A final grade must be submitted by the end of the fifth full week of the next study term. The indicator will automatically convert to an F grade in the event a Grade Change Form is not submitted to the registrar by the deadline.
IN—Students are expected to complete all required coursework before the end of the term, and are not permitted to submit coursework after the last day of the term. An “incomplete grade” is a temporary indicator (IN) assigned when a written request has been submitted by the student and approved by the faculty member. Incomplete grades are granted at the sole discretion of the faculty member, who are not required to issue an incomplete grade. An incomplete grade is not appropriate for students who have not managed to complete coursework in a timely manner under normal circumstances. But occasionally, circumstances beyond the student’s control may necessitate the need for a student to be granted an incomplete grade for the term. In order to qualify for an incomplete grade, the student must have submitted the majority of the work of the course at passing quality at the time of the initial request or precipitating event.
A Request for Incomplete Grade form, available in the Registrar’s Office and online, must be initiated by the student, approved by the faculty member, and submitted to the Registrar’s Office before grades are due (typically the first Wednesday following the last day of the term) for each course the student is requesting an incomplete grade. The student and the instructor will agree upon a date by which the missing coursework must be submitted to the instructor, but cannot exceed beyond four weeks after the end of the term. In exceptional and unusual circumstances, the student may petition APRC for additional time with documentation of those extenuating circumstances. Faculty may change incompletes by submitting a Grade Change Form. If no Grade Change Form is submitted by the incomplete deadline, the incomplete grade will automatically convert to an F. Visiting professors, adjunct faculty, and resident faculty scheduled for a leave during the next academic term may not award incompletes, without the written consent of the Division Chair or Program Director who will be responsible for the process.
Before requesting an incomplete grade, the student should evaluate their capacity to complete the missing work by the deadline and consider the impact of an incomplete during SAP reviews. Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) reviews occur at the end of each term. Incomplete grades count as attempted credits but not earned credits in the calculation of completion rates and grade point averages and could place some students in jeopardy of probation, suspension, or dismissal until resolved.
R—This indicator is applicable to students who repeat a course. The first grade will be excluded and marked as repeated (R) and the second grade will be included in calculating the grade point average.
T—A “transfer credit” indicator identifies credit that was approved and transferred to Antioch College. Only credit for non-remedial courses passed with a C grade or higher is transferable to Antioch College. Grades and grade points will not be reflected on the transcript or used for calculation of the Antioch College GPA.
Calculating Your Term and Cumulative Grade Point Average
UR (unreported grade) – Any individual student grades (as opposed to the grades of an entire class) not received by the grade submission deadline will be marked “UR” by the Registrar’s Office. A notice that this indicator has been entered will be sent by the Registrar’s Office to the instructor and the student when the indicator is entered.
The UR may change in one of three ways:
A Request for an Incomplete Grade form (with all required signatures) submitted to the Registrar’s Office by the end of the registration period (currently, end of day three of the term).
A change of grade form submitted to the Registrar’s Office by the end of the registration period (currently, end of day three of the term).
UR will be change to “F” by the Registrar’s Office at the end of the registration period (currently, end of day three of the term) if neither a Request for an Incomplete Grade form nor a Change of Grade form has been submitted.
W—A withdrawal indicator is used when the student withdraws from one or more classes in a quarter. Deadline: This code reflects a withdrawal after the add/ drop deadline and by the end of the seventh full week of the quarter. A student is unable to withdraw from a class after the seventh full week of a quarter. Work completed through this point in the term is sufficient to warrant an actual letter grade. A withdrawal indicator is also used when a student has submitted a request for leave or withdrawal from the College. A student who is granted leave will be withdrawn from all courses and Ws will be recorded on his or her official transcript. This indicator may also be used for an audited course that was not completed successfully.
WD—An official withdrawal initiated by the Registrar’s Office. A WD is designated for a student who is removed from a class for administrative reasons prior to the withdrawal deadline. Examples include: a student who has pre-registered for classes for the next term but does not return to campus (an enrollment status of No Show will be indicated for the quarter); a student who has attended class, but then stops attending class before the withdrawal deadline without withdrawing; a student who is removed from a class for disciplinary reasons; a student who, due to personal circumstances, is not able to withdraw themselves.
Y—The Y indicator identifies credits earned from credit by examination. Current policies allow students to credits in this fashion for mathematics and foreign languages. (See “Language Credit by Examination” and “Mathematics Credit by Examination” in the curriculum catalog.)