Additional Course Fees Policy
Additional academic fees are charged to students to recover the cost of materials and supplies not normally covered by the instructional budget and fundamental to the special instructional activities associated with a special course or program fee. These fees are listed with the course offerings each term and are assessed to all students enrolled in the course. Billing and collection of such fees is handled through the Finance Department and should not be collected by a department or faculty member. Additional academic fees are non-refundable and must be used solely for support of the course for which the student is enrolled. In the event that a scheduled special activity is cancelled during the term, students will receive a credit to their student account. Additional academic fees will not exceed $100.00, except under extraordinary circumstances.
Additional academic fees can be charged for the following items:
- Manuals and materials that are retained by the student and used in lieu of a textbook.
- Materials and supplies used by the student, including, but not limited to chemicals, solutions, gloves, filters, biological specimens, artists’ media, glassware, photographic materials, course specific software license fee, software retained by the student and other one-time use items beyond what is normally provided by the course.
- Breakage of lab or studio equipment, glassware, in a current or prior term.
- Special course activities (transportation, admission costs, meals, private music lessons).
- Instructional equipment (maintenance).
Items that should not be included in additional academic fees:
- Salaries, wages and related benefits
- Honoraria for guest speakers
- Computers
- Software and software licenses (ongoing licenses)
- Faculty travel
- Capital and infrastructure related expenditures